I’m just wondering what approaches people have used for getting open RMAs into a fresh system? From what I have worked out.:
Load related orders (Orders Combined)
Load related invoices (Invoiced Combined)
Load RMAs that refer to the above (RMA combined)
Happy to hear how others have done this. Yes it would be great to have all RMAs received back into the warehouses before the cut over, but that is impractical.
A more manual method, would be to keep track of the oustanding RMAs in our old system and when receipted in a stock adjustment is performed in Epicor and a credit raised against the customer account as well.
All you need to create an RMA is a valid customer. Since this is a fresh database im guessing some of these orders and invoices are closed. I would say loading the order and invoice information isnt necessary unless you have to have a hard link for some reason. You could put all of this information in the comments for tracking.
I’ve realized that we don’t need invoices, but at a minimum I am going to need the order/line and release. So we will have to import orders related to the RMA at a minimum, as we are going to have to receipt the stock back in and have the credit raised.
Depending on your business you wouldnt necessarily need to load the orders. You may want to put them in a field for a visual reference. As long as the customer records are the same then you should be able to raise credits. The unit price can be entered manually or through the stages of the credit invoice. Is the main reason you want the link to the order or invoice for the unit price or for total visibility.