:dumpster_fire: Insights 2023

Can’t wait to meet ya @klincecum

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If you see me in something like that you’d pass out, or die laughing. :rofl:

:dumpster_fire: I’m just here getting ready…

Does anyone know what app is used at this conference, and what the Event Code is?

the app is Eventspace

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We received information in an email with the subject line “Insights 2023 Event Mobile App - Download Today!”

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I was excited when I saw its a different platform this year, but I think the UI is even worse than before?? If you add something to your agenda, then you want to add something else to your agenda in the same timeslot (and decide later which one to go to), it won’t let you double book. But if you just bookmark them there is no way to just see a list of what you bookmarked. There is also no way to filter the list by topic (the tags leave . . . something to be desired vs. the actual categories we had last year). There is also no way to filter by timeslot. There is also no way to export the data to excel or something to actually be able to see all the details vs. clicking in and out of the details of each session. Is this a “me” problem? I feel it shouldn’t be this hard to have a usable app.

Yes, that aggravates me.

Not THIS time. :dumpster_fire:

Thanks for the validation. Does anyone know of a better agenda app? Maybe we can suggest something better for next year. This is the only conference I ever go to so its not like I have much to compare to.

I’m a hermit, this is the first one I’ve ever gone to.

For me at least, I noticed that you can only seem to add Labs to your agenda…So you Either have to bookmark it, or add it to your own calendar

I haven’t tried it on the phone app, but you can add whatever on the website.

This is the worserest one they have used since I started five years ago. It is not even just having backups, which the best way to plan conventions since the 80s, but if they set a time slot to end at 4:10 you can’t add a 4:00 session since they overlap.

They should know by now to test it with this group before committing to a new app. We’ll find everything that’s wrong with it in under an hour.

I’m pretty sure that they app is so low on their priorities list that for most people it registers as they just don’t care. They’ve tried a few and all of them have had lots of problems. Last couple years they used event mobi I think, and before that it was another one.

Honestly the best way to do it is to get the paper program at the beginning of the week and look time slot by slot and pick which thing you want to go to in each time slot. Circle it with a pen and put the phone away.


YARN | - That's old school. - Yeah. No school like the old ...

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Exactly how us old-timers do it… even include some alternates for each slot


I made a spreadsheet.

Last time I checked, they changed most of the times :rofl:

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angry GIF

Not just you, I have the same opinion.

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