:dumpster_fire: Insights 2023

Don’t forget to pair it with some Muenster cheese.

Townhouse is way better, though.

Those presentations were awesome. I am inspired. Imposter syndrome at level 10 after this week… starting to make plans for next year.


Yep agree 100%, I arrived on Thursday afternoon. but what worse you bump into someone later and they say they were there since Friday :sob:

We can always start a go fund me :smile:

Suggestion for Epicor next year’s surveys… A simple 1-10 gauge 1 yawn to 10 that was extremely Awesome!

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You mean from 1 (yawn) to 10 (Hannah)? :joy:

Look what y’all did. It’s going to my head!


You did great gurl all the EpiUsers panels were awesome. Great meeting so many new people and reconnecting with everyone, yes, even @klincecum . :wink:

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I’m finally home. Yay!

The Ritz was great. A little expensive, but I paired it with some moderately priced cheese so I came out ok.


Im Home GIF

^ Everybody after Insights.


That is exactly how I was when I walked through the door at 3:15 this morning.


Got home at a respectable 11:30am. A few hours to decompress and off to a baby shower…

No avoiding this stuff it seems :smile:


I reiterate all of these comments - great time in Vegas this year - great sessions/presenters from EpiUsers!! All the many friends new and old, I had a really good time hanging out with all of you!

Until next year!


@josecgomez is so out of sorts yet he suddenly thought we spelt Prophet 21 wrong after all these years. Some reason he though it should be “Profit”. We didn’t want to be the only ones laughing at him, so here you all go.

On that note, why Prophet not Profit? And why 21?


hey meow! Undefined is Fight Club Rules! :zipper_mouth_face:
nana GIF

I mean Profit makes a hell of a lot more sense… but whatever! :roll_eyes:

Straight from the man who works for a company that packages people.



The marketing company was going to charge us 75 bucks more for the commas between those words, we said no way Jose!

WCI products.

Even with Commas it doesn’t make a lot of sense… what is “people, packaging, solutions”

ya’ll don’t sell people!

Thank you for being cheap. Without it, I wouldn’t have come across this gem:

This is they way I prefer to think of it: