Thought I ask and get some insight before I spend too much time and may not work.
In Inspection Processing Entry, it seems that users can just enter the “Passed Qty” or “Failed Qty” and able to save without really doing the inspection. We want to force inspectors to actually do the inspection plan with “Pass/Failed” before they can save
.Had someone already done this and can suggest some insights? I’m still new to Epicor (middle of implementation), and would like to know if this is feasible via BPM or some kind of customization? With playing around, I noticed that the table “InspResults” the record gets created if in “Inspection Results Entry” screen the “Generate Test Set” button is clicked. Then if the results is entered, the field “TestDataEntered” is true, otherwise false. Possible to pull the “InspResults” table via BPM and see if there are any records that have “TestDataEntered” to allow save of inspection plan, otherwise, disallow?