Insufficient System Storage 4.3.1

We are reeceiving an error message that I haven’t seen before. From the research I have done, it is saying that the exchange server is full. The user is trying to send an email from DocStar.

Insufficient System Storage. The server response was: 4.3.1 Insufficient system resources (UsedDiskSpace[C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue])

Does anyone have any clue what this is, why it happened, and how to fix this?


I found this link that sounds like it may be the issue - Exchange 2016 - Insufficient system storage - Microsoft Q&A

But also check that the disk with the Queues on it has no space-quota limits and has enough space - and I mean enough. Windows like at least 30-40 GB of free space on OS drives, and Exchange does a lot of file manipulation for the queues and you have to account for a high-water mark that includes all emails AND all attachments.

Hope that helps.


Where that folder lives, in the C:\ drive, there is only 12.3 GB available. Should we do something about that? The entire drive is only 124GB.

Absolutely!!! Microsoft states that at least 25GB free on OS (C:) drives.

But really, there should never be applications on the OS drive. Exchange is difficult because it utilizes “Program Files” directories, but it can be installed/modified to utilize other directories for things like the mail queues.

I would highly suggest you get the data folders for the queues and the mail stores (the big .EDB files) off to another drive that isn’t an OS drive and has at least 100GB of free space. Or at least as much as you can.

What is crazy is that the EDB file is 1,184 KB, and the QUE file is 2,359,296 KB. I will have to talk to the hardware guys to see what they can do for storage expansion. Thanks!

Everyone knows what my solution would be…


All that :poop: goes away and it is far, far, far more secure. Just ask RackSpace

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We have told management that the cloud is the solution we need. I also talked with the IT manager and he stated that we have stayed at that capacity for years and have never had issues.
Good Luck Charlie Idk GIF

They must be patching fast (and not taking up any disc space when they did :thinking:) because there has been two really, really bad exploitations to Exchange On-Prem users:



As an SMB, I wouldn’t want any Internet facing services coming into my building if I could avoid it.

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It ain’t just you my friend!