Integrating Epicor 9 with a website - Seeking a resource

Please reply offline to this email if you have interest. 
Thank you.

I'm looking for a resource that I can partner with to integrate one of our customers existing websites with Epicor 9. 

The opportunity exists to enhance there current web pages. The definition of the scope of this is in-process. 

Please let me know if you have the skills, experience and background for this type of endeavor. 

Thank you.

Jim Chance, Practical Technology Solutions - 419-557-2225 



Practical Technology Solutions - 419-557-2225
Independent Epicor® Consulting – ERP Consulting. Epicor® 10, Epicor® 9, Vantage and Vista. Upgrades, Technical and functional expertise. Crystal Reports.
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Anyone who responds to this email, please do it off list.  Advertising your skills is a no no for this group.  You only get 1 warning before you are banned from the list.








From: []
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2014 9:13 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Integrating Epicor 9 with a website - Seeking a resource



I'm looking for a resource that I can partner with to integrate one of our customers existing websites with Epicor 9. 


The opportunity exists to enhance there current web pages. The definition of the scope of this is in-process. 


Please let me know if you have the skills, experience and background for this type of endeavor. 


Thank you.


Jim Chance, Practical Technology Solutions - 419-557-2225 




Practical Technology Solutions - 419-557-2225

Independent Epicor® Consulting – ERP Consulting. Epicor® 10, Epicor® 9, Vantage and Vista. Upgrades, Technical and functional expertise. Crystal Reports.

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