Internal BPM "Project.OnChangeMilestoneOrderLine" not working properly

I am working on a customization on the Project Entry dashboard; however, I haven’t even been able to begin the customization because the base doesn’t seem to be functioning properly.

When I select “Billing Required” on a Project Milestone, and then fill out the order details, it always throws an error saying the order number / line is invalid. However, I have verified on multiple orders/projects that the order number / line is indeed valid.

I have not created any custom BPMs for project milestone, and the error persists when I disable any other custom BPMs associated with the Project BO

The Error:

Proof the Order is correct

Any help would be appreciated!

Does it matter that the SO is not open?

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It does not seem to change the result when I close/re-open a sales order
Edit: I didn’t see the open checkbox. I will give that a try

Opening the line itself didn’t solve the issue, but it led me to reopen the order release and the associated project an that ended up solving the issue. I thought it was a BPM issue, but it seems it was simply a bad order I was given to test. Thank you!

You’re so welcome! Glad I could help at all. :slight_smile: