Doesn’t solve running that version of Crystal with a previous version (during testing like @JillMetalworks saw) or other Epicor products like Advanced MES which uses an older runtime.
I have users that still need to access Epicor 9 for historical data. Had to put that installation on a separate computer with the old Crystal installed so they could still print reports if needed out of the old database. Really hate this mixture of Crystal Report versions for different things. Guess I need to start the venture of changing reports to SSRS (yuck!!).
If I may… it may be worth running a cloud conversion on that and uplifting it to whatever version you’re on and plopping it on an app server where people only have read-only rights to it. That way they can log in and run whatever and you’ll be on same tech stack. That or make copies of the tables you have that you are running reports off of and put those in a database somewhere and call it complete.
I’m sure you have already thought of these things, if only we all had the time haha.
I’m pretty sure Epicor has that down with their cloud conversion tool. We just went from vantage 8 to Kinetic last year without a problem and they did it with their cloud conversion tool and vantage 8 was progress.