Inventory WIP reconciliation

I run our Inventory WIP reconciliation to verify unposted transaction are hitting the correct G/L accounts prior to capture. I’m running into since we upgraded to E10 that the WIP reconciliation shows an item posting to one G/L account, so when I go to the Purchase order to correct it, it has the correct class/or g/l account on the PO. When I run the capture it indeed is posting to wrong G/L account. This happens randomly. Has anyone else experienced this. Major problem for accounting.

Hi Gloria,

Unfortunately, changing it on the PO is not good enough. You also have to un-receive and re-receive it. The receipt is logging the expense and uninvoiced receipts for whatever the account on the PO is at the time of receiving. Changing the PO does not change previous receipts.

Mark W.

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Is this something new in Version 10. In the past I was always able to have them just change the PO & it then went to the correct account. (ie. 7999 = suspense account/no g/l code on PO)

One more thought. I believe the g/l account was correct on the PO to start with. In this case, it was a capital equipment item and instead it went to shop supplies/service dept. So even if below is new, it appears we have an issue even when the account is correct.

All I can think of is if someone touches the line then the Part Class overwrote the correct account.

This is the behavior in E9 too if I recall…but I am getting old so I wouldn’t put too much into that.

Mark W.

We didn’t really have this issue in E9, and the PO does have the correct g/l account on it, so I’m assuming it was also correct when it was received.