Is there a way in Epicor10 to print a group of pre-selected Quotes

Has anyone created a customization or a way to select and print/priview a group of Quote(s) ?

An Updateable dashboard with a checkbox for “ReadyToPrint” (may be a UD field) is the best bet. Then you can use the AutoPrint BPM against that field.

Thank u . I will look into this.


Will this solution print each quote separately as each corresponding checkbox is marked? Is there a solution where the print preview will also work with the selected quotes but produce one PDF will all selected Quotes?

Ideally, I would like to create the same feature available for printing the Job Traveler. In the Job Traveler Submit form, the Filter tab allows for selecting a number of Jobs that you can then preview or print.

If the AutoPrint for quotes has a parameter for QuoteList, then likely yes, but it will take some code to get there.

Unfortunately, the QuoteForm does not have a QuoteList param.