Is there a way to post Journal Entries from the Rest API?

I don’t know if this is possible, but I would like to post a journal entry (not just create one but post it) from the Rest API. Is this possible?

I created a journal entry with the Kinetic UI and used trace, but I did not see anything besides the BOs that it uses. I believe it is using a function not showing in trace to push the entry into the sql tables, because when I push an entry into the table using the Rest API it is not actually posted.

Anything you can do from the browser can (and is) done via REST. Do a trace (F12) of posting and all is revealed.

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Is there something I’m missing in trace? As I said in my post it’s not showing how to post something

Here are the results:

GLJournalEntryImpl ← (Not available in processes)
GLJrnGrpImpl ← (Not available in processes)

Business Objects is all you should need. If you posted manually, do you see that transaction in the UI? If so, the post worked, and you may be looking at tables that are unrelated. I find it helpful NOT to look in the tables. Trying to divine what Epicor is doing will not be good for your mental health. :wink:

Now look at the Methods associated with those objects. You should see Post in there along with some checking prior.

Yes, as I’ve said, the ‘post’ option is available with GL Journals, I would like to actually post the entry, but using that method does not post the entry, it just creates the entry, and a human has to post it.

When a human posts it from a browser, Kinetic uses REST to do it.

Did you check the Review Journal to see if there were errors with the entry?

I don’t see anything in the Review Journal.

A human can create a journal entry, and I can also use the post method within Rest to create a journal entry.

But the next step is posting that entry. A human can post the entry. I would like Rest to do it automatically. When I use trace, as I said, I get the results I shared above, which only show the 2 BO used, neither of which have a method for posting. So, is there a way to post an entry with REST?

I’m missing something here. When a user posts a GL Entry from the browser, they ARE using REST to do so. We know that works. When you say, using REST, what client are you using? C#? PostMan? Swagger? Other?

Can you post the full trace for these objects during the GL Posting Process? Don’t need the UserTracing or the SysMonitor. You can mask the account/amount information.


I think the confusion is around the word post, it has two meanings in this context. the Post method in REST is a function for creating a journal entry.

The post function in kinetic ui is taking a journal entry and pushing it into the tables. Specifically when you go to actions > post entry in the Journal Entry screen.

Correct. I’m expecting to see something like this in the trace. This object should create the journal:

And this one should post the journal: