Job Entry Operation automatically set as Completed

Hello and Good Day,

Does anyone know why Operation in Job Entry is marked completed eventhough no one has checked it as completed.
Checked system Agent and no scheduled process is registered.
Since our BPM is the same for all companies/entities I would assume that the problem does not originate from there since this issue only happens in one of the company/entity.


Are there any Labor Transactions?
If the user enters a quantity equal to or greater than the production quantity, it is marked automatically.

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We do not have any labor transactions too. :frowning:

The icon on your picture (i believe) is for a subcontract operation. So if that subcontract PO was received, it’ll mark the operation complete.

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Hi David, thanks for the response!

We checked but before the PO is created for the said Operation, the Operation has been marked as complete.