Job Pick List

I am trying to find a way for MES users to print the Pick List for the job they are working on.

We are trying to move to using the Work Queue instead of stacks of printed out Job Travelers.

But now they don’t have a Pick List, and there doesn’t seem to be one in MES.

I think we could add the JOB PICK LIST menu to MES, but the user will need to remember to set the filter for the specific assembly they are working on.

In addition, I would really rather the pick list be limited to the materials associated with the operation that the user is working on.

AND, the built in JOB PICK LIST only shows materials (duh). I get it. But I would like my pick list to show the subassemblies associated with the given job/asm/op as well.

I’ve written a BAQ and DASHBOARD that mostly does what I want. But it prints like crap. And the user still has to enter the job/asm/op.

Is there a way to take my dashboard and turn it into a “report” that prints nice?

Is there a way to add a “button” to MES to launch said report?

I’m asking a lot, I know.

It would be cool if someone could point me in the right direction. Or tell me that I’m barking up the wrong imaginary tree.

Thanks in advance.

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I am making some assumptions on how your shop runs.
If the pick list you are wanting is for the people doing the operations, then maybe doing a dashboard or something from MES that shows what parts they need. Is the purpose of this to just let them know what parts are needed and they are not actually doing a issue to material transaction?
If its just to show them what they need, then you could do a dashboard that just shows what parts are linked to the Assembly/ Operation they are clocking to.

If the pick list is for the people picking parts for the jobs,( i assume its 2 different people) than the fulfilment workbench is another tool you can use so you dont have to print anything.

A lot of the time its the same person doing the work and gathering the parts.

And I need to be able to print it, so they can take it with them.

Paperless sounded so fun at the beginning. But now we are buying everyone a printer so they can print tags, and pick lists.

and you want to do it all from MES?

Yup. We don’t want everyone in the factory to have access to “full Epicor”.

Something to do with license costs and a little to do with security.

We’ve got a similar situation here. We’re a small company and everyone mostly pulls the parts they need for the job they are working on. The request I had yesterday was to see if we could add the bin location to the job traveler so that we wouldn’t have to print additional reports such as the pick list.

@Bray.Christopher - Were you able to find a solution for your situation?

Sort of kind of.

So our resident BPM magician added a menu item to MES. That button links to a SQL report webpage. And grabs the job number, assembly, and operation that the user is clocked into.

Then the user can print that.

Also, you should be able to add the Primary Bin number of the Material to the job traveler. We have had that in place since the beginning. I assumed it was standard.