We do not use global scheduling. We do not use finite resources or finite scheduling. We use backwards scheduling. We only schedule the jobs once when it is first released. I am now going back and updating the job due dates to match our expectations of when the job will ship.
Sometimes when I schedule the job it sets the date way out from where I want. In extreme cases it sets the job out months from the requested date. I expect this is due to the job having a lot of parts to make, and long cycle times at each operation. This sort of make sense, though I am not sure why our infinite capacity would force this.
The bigger issue I have is when the job get scheduled before the date that I request. In one example, the original JobReqDate was 8/16/24. I rescheduled to 10/25/24, and it placed the job at 10/24/24. I don’t have any holidays, or other calendars impacting this date, so I am not sure why it would choose an earlier date.
Any scheduling pros on here recognize this behavior? I am just trying to understand it.
You can also check the schedule priority code. I’ve seen weird behavior with the backwards flag and especially with the minimize WIP flag:
Another thing to check is the “Allow scheduling before today” in company configuration. When scheduling backward, if the job start date ends up in the past, the engine will automatically reschedule the job in forward if that check box is not checked.
In any case, scheduling logs is a great place to understand what went wrong.
I checked the part - no planning time set in there.
I checked site maint > Planning - no prod prep time set there.
I checked company config > modules > production > job - allow scheduling before today is unchecked.
Our Scheduling priority code is always set to normal, which has schedule backwards, and minimize wip checked.
I had to go back and check. This part has only one assembly, with only one material part. That material part also does not have any planning parameters. This material is set to a part class, but that part class also does not have any planning parameters.
There have been no material (or labor) transactions on this job yet.
In site maintenance, I would check the backwards scheduling start. It defaults to midnight which can cause some oddness. I set ours to 11:PM. You can make a log of the scheduling process that may give you some clues. The KB below has where to set and find the log.
This was it. Ours was set to midnight. I tried 11pm, and rescheduled the job.
And that totally solved the problem of it scheduling jobs a day early! Thank you!
“Allow scheduling before today” in company configuration. When scheduling backward, if the job start date ends up in the past, the engine will automatically reschedule the job in forward if that check box is not checked. The resulting Due Date may be later than expected