Job work flow/barcode scanning how to?

This might be part of the answer for my remaining Issue #1 as this works…

		// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
	if (oTrans.Update())

Where to re load form?

So for my issue #1 (of 2 issues) the following gives me the desired functionality. However I can see in the task bar a new window shows for every scan I do. I’m thinking I’ll probably end up exhausting memory or handles over time. Any ideas?

	private void epiTextBoxC1_AfterEnterEditMode(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
		// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **

		LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();
		lfo.IsModal = true;
		lfo.SuppressFormSearch = true;
		//lfo.ValueIn = txtEpiCustom1.Text;

		if (oTrans.Update())
	 	   ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(UD38Form, "Ice.UI.UD38Entry", lfo);

As for issue #2, I’m still looking for the solution to get it to start from the sysconfig shortcut with the Detail tab having focus

Anyone know how to suppress the following prompt from that? “Attempting to launch Ice.UI.UD38Entry from itself is not logical. Do you want to launch a new instance?” with yes/no buttons

Not sure but @hkeric.wci and @josecgomez wrote this about using LFO:

Thanks @Mark_Wonsil, I had seen that thread before, but not sure if the info there could get me to where I needed to be.
I ended up with this that works for me.

	private void epiTextBoxC1_AfterEnterEditMode(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
		// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **

		LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();
		lfo.IsModal = false;
		lfo.SuppressFormSearch = true;
		//lfo.ValueIn = txtEpiCustom1.Text;

			if (oTrans.Update())
			Process.Start("AutoHotkey.exe", "z:\\ahkenter.ahk");
			ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(UD38Form, "Ice.UI.UD38Entry", lfo);

In ahkenter.ahk I have (didn’t need the delay. commented for now)
;SetKeyDelay, 0
send {enter}

So if I scan 50 times in a day that uses about 170 MB memory. We won’t even need that many scans daily per station. We can just have windows task scheduler daily boot and run the following after on startup:
A TinyTask macro exe that recorded:
Windows Start, cmd /c “z:\scanjob” enter (I needed a place where names and locations didn’t change/move)
which is a .bat file that has start “” “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Epicor Software\Epicor ERP10.2 Client\epicor\ERP102300TESTV2 Environment.lnk”
followed by me clicking my menu item for my UD38 customization.

I’ve found that this now works too after the ProcessCaller so no more open old windows

			// Beep at X Hz for X milliseconds
			Console.Beep(1000, 400);
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