JSON filter on REST Param

Hi Guys,

I am trying to limit certain territory codes that return on the Quote Landing page and have hit a bit of a wall.

I have tried using $in on the Rest Params but it doesn’t seem to work. More than likely something I am doing, I am not a definitive developer, but can stumble through a few things.

My working JSON with a single territory ID is

{"whereClause":"TerritoryID = 'BH1'"}

I have tried using the below with an $in clause but to no result

 "whereClause": {
				"TerritoryID": {"$in": ["BH1","BH2"]}

I am using the Erp.BO.QuoteSvc and the GetList Path

Thank you

You may want to do what @dcamlin did by replacing the the Landing Page with a BAQ, which is far easier to filter.

Try this:

{"whereClause":"TerritoryID IN ('BH1','BH2')"}

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I mean come on now, that’s fantastic. I was trying all sorts of different angles and different approaches, this has done exactly what I needed.

Thank you

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