Kinetic 2021.1 Tracker View on Dashboard

Good Morning Epicor Users,
Our Epicor Live environment is at 10.2.700.12. Our Epicor Pilot has upgraded to Kinetic 2021.1 and we are cloud based.
We have at least 10 dashboards working just fine in Epicor Live and failing in Epicor Pilot with the error message “Bad SQL statement. Review the server event logs for details.”
With the help of Epicor and an open EpiCare case, we have narrowed down the problem to the tracker view on the dashboard.
To test out if the tracker is causing the issue in Kinetic 2021.1, I created a very simple BAQ that looks at only the ShipHead table and returns ShipDate, Pack ID, Status, and if it is invoiced. I then made a dashboard of this query. The dashboard is very simple with no filters. Here is what the dashboard looks like:

I added a tracker view to limit the date range to greater than or equal to on the ShipHead_ShipDate. Here is an image of the tracker view properties:

When I enter a date to the tracker and refresh then I get the error “Bad SQL statement”.

If there is no date entered into the tracker field, then the dashboard will refresh properly.

Has anyone else run into this issue?
I have always appreciated the tips and information that I have found on this site. Just last week, I found that others were having the same SSRS Breaking/Routing issues on Kinetic 2021.1 and found it helpful to know that I was not the only one with the issue.

We are not live yet and testing Kinetic 2021.1.2 in the Additional/Third database for implementation. I am not seeing this issue that you are stating.

I have several dashboards in the Classic style and all of them seem to work OK including ones that have a date criteria like what you are showing. Sorry I cannot help.

To Brad,
I am glad to hear your dashboards are working.

Epicor has just issued a problem ticket (PRB0235181) for this issue.

Thanks, Heide