We have re-built all of our configurators in Kinetic and the sales team are now using them, however after some configurations, the configurator button dissapears with no reason as to why…
has anyone else seen this issue? have a missed a checkbox or silly setting somewhere that Epicor love to throw in to the mix!
screenshot shows an item that has been configured, but i am not able to re-configure the item. there has been no version changes to the configurator between this being entered and taking these screenshots.
Just spitballing, have you checked that you have the allow reconfiguration checked on the target entities (quote detail?) on the associated configurator as desired?
What are your part number creation settings? As mentioned in another reply the revision dropdown appears to be blank. Which may mean the configurator is unapproved but usually the configurator button is still there. Or the part is not approved. Or the line is no longer considered a configurable part due to part creation setting. Or there is a bug which unfortunately is a common issue with the Kinetic Configurator.
i think this is a system bug, sometimes a revision is displayed other times it is not, and this does not always dictate if the configurator button is visible or not.
Hi David, when we configure a part, we do not create a part in the part table so there is no revision assiciated to it, if we were creating parts in the part table, then yes we would then have a part revision
If that customization is wiping out your BasePartNum and BaseRevisionNum, I think the thing to do would be add those variables at the beginning, then set them in your first QuoteDtl query:
Hi Kevin, thanks for your input as always! did try this already and no luck, i did also copy and paste your code and still it is wiping out the basepartnum and baserevisionnum fields…
Hi Kevin if i run the browser debugger is there something i should look out for to see if i can pin point what is writing?
I am also wondering…if i need to set values in ALL the base fields rather than just these two as there is also last config date etc… only problem is i dont know exactly which of those fields would need to be written to if thats the case.
Tbh it should not even be wiping out the basepartnum etc anyways!