Kinetic Dashboard Date Format issue

Good Morning all,

Finally making push to get all dashboards converted to Kinetic. I have a mishmash of older, auto converted dashboards, recent converted dashboards and a few from scratch.

I am stuck on this one date format in a grid.

How do I get rid of the Time section ?
BAQ isformatted {Date}
Dataview is formatted {Date}
ERP Editor doesn’t even have an option for Date, just Datetime and Time

If I run the BAQ from the BAQ Designer, The date is fine—m-d-yyyy

Classic Dashboard is fine…

Any Suggestions on how to format the Grid Column ???



I’m not certain that this is the solution, but try to update the Erp Editor Model for that column:


Way at the bottom in the Advanced section there is a Mask field:

This probably shouldn’t be necessary, since base grids don’t even have Erp Editor selected and they display normally…


TADAAA @jwphillips for the score. Thank you sir !!

Agreed, not the best naming on a read only item. Ah the verbiage…

Thanks again.


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