Kinetic Edge Agent Silent Install

We are Deticated Tenancy Cloud and epicor guidance is that we would need to install locally on each computer that needs to print. Server sounds like an option for on prem.

Erp has two printing options - client printing, when you print from your workstation. And network/server printing - when printing happens on some dedicated server. Before edge agent SaaS did not support server/network printing. Now it is possible to do, using edge agent network installation. (And provided that SaaS will set it up for you).

Client edge agent just helps you to print from kinetic standalone browser to the printer accessible from your workstation - similar as system monitor in smart client does.


Local install allows you to print from the web client on printers connected to your local device (no matter on prem and cloud). The server install is for enabling network printing from a browser specifically for cloud-based Kinetic. Previously, network printing was only available to on prem users, it is now available in the cloud as well. So you can set up printing to a server/network printer. However, this requires some additional server configuration by Epicor (Azure SignalR Service activation), so if you are interested in this option, contact your CloudOps rep to see if your server has this capability.

How do you deal with those popups that come after asking for permission to connect Epicor to qTray?

I can’t find documentation for the option file. Anyone see it? Might be nicer than passing so many command line options.

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I don’t think Installbuilder - installer that EA uses - supports such thing like option file

bat/cmd syntax

set /p commandlines=<myoptionfile.txt
setupfile.exe %commandlines%

myoptionfile.txt needs to have it all on one line with this simple parser

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Olga, if that’s true then the help shouldn’t list the option:

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interesting, i did not notice that

This is what they write:
The ‘optionfile’ command line option lets you specify installation options in a separate file. The ‘optionfile’ option is present on any installer created by InstallBuilder.

The option file should contain one line per option, using the format key=value. You can use any of the options accepted by the installer, for example:


The ‘optionfile’ option is very useful for testing environments. You can have several option files where you can specify different installation modes or different settings for the parameters defined in the installers.


Hi all,

I know this topic is old but I wanted to bring up new issue that I’ve run into. In Kinetic Cloud when doing certain actions in the new kinetic interface, such as adjusting inventory counts, screens like that only exist in the classic form so in these situations the edge agent is used as a bridge between the new forms and the old classic forms. And this new usage of the edge agent requires more options, but they haven’t been built into the exe yet. The missing options are for specifying the kinetic.exe paths that correspond to each url. So every allowedURL parameter requires a corresponding client parameter, but I can’t find that parameter unless it’s unlisted in the --help section of the edge agent exe. Ideally the options I would use would be like this:

--mode "unattended" 
--unattendedmodeui "none" 
--installMode "localInstall" 
--allowedURL "" 
--allowedURL2 "" 
--client "C:\Epicor\ERPDT\xxxxx-PILOT\Client\Kinetic.exe" 
--client2 "C:\Epicor\ERPDT\xxxxx-LIVE\Client\Kinetic.exe"

Just wondering if anyone has had any more luck with this? The params --client and --client2 are not valid to the installer, but maybe others exist that I don’t know about to fill this need?

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Hi Dan,

Running the program with --help shows that --clientExePath is the switch you want.

here is an example of new option

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Very good thank you!

I’m so glad Epicor has added this option now thanks!


Us too, it was so smooth!

@aosemwengie1 here is one of the topics about EA silent install

Yes I have read these, but if support is telling me categorically its not supported, then I can’t recommend to my organization that we do it. Does it make sense?

You haven’t learned by now?

south park beat a dead horse GIF

Just providing context. Log In - Epicor Identity
How hard would it be to add one KB article that says yes, you can do this and here is how?

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