So, I’m trying to embrace Kinetic before forcing it upon our users (we’ve all heard how Classic is getting deprecated in 2024…). Many of our existing user’s personalizations are re-arranging or hiding grid columns, so I was excited to try Kinetic’s ability to merge a personalization with a customization. Unfortunately, Epicor states that a personalization to a grid doesn’t count, so it won’t appear!
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In Application Studio, you cannot Promote a Kinetic Personalization to a Kinetic Customization, as "Load from Personalization" Drop Down contains No Data.
Development Rejected this Problem Case for the following Reason:
It looks like Grid personalization will not be presented on the dropdown. Only layout personalization will be shown in the dropdown. Rejecting this ticket. If this needs to be addressed, then this should be raised as a enhancement.
Ugh. #WorkingAsDesigned #SubmitIdeas #OutOfVotes