Kinetic login - default to Classic

Is there a way to default the Kinetic login to “Classic” on the below splashscreen?

We have found a way through the config to set it so that it always open as Classic (without an option to select the style), but ideally we want to give users the choice but default to Classic as used by most users?


It will remember the last setting if you don’t force it.

There is a file here:

called user.config Note the MenuType

Turn off the forcing and use a script or shortcut/bat file whatever to set this before launch,
and it will always come up like you set, but allow changing it.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
            <section name="IceShell.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser" requirePermission="false" />
            <setting name="MenuType" serializeAs="String">
            <setting name="ShowActiveHomePage" serializeAs="String">
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There are two ways.

Option 1

You can modify the .sysconfig file and set a option for all users, also it will force them into that mode.

<LaunchType value="" options="Shell|MainMenu|KineticHome" />

Option 2

You can modify the Shortcut and add the following runtime args to it.

  • /SHELL or /MAINMENU This is the modern style it
  • /CLASSIC This is the true classic style
  • /KINETICHOME This is Kinetic

C:\Epicor\ERP10\Client\Epicor.exe -config=“E10DemoDB.sysconfig” /mainmenu

There are two potential ways to force a default Epicor Kinetic/ERP menu type for the smart client.

A: Changing the target line of the shortcut

  1. Right-click on the Epicor shortcut on your user’s desktop and select properties.
  2. On the Shortcut tab, click on the Target field.
  3. At the end of the target line, press the spacebar then type /shell (for modern), /mainmenu (for classic), or /activehome or /kinetichome depending on Epicor Kinetic/ERP release (for active/kinetic home)

C:\Epicor\ERP10\Client\Epicor.exe -config="E10DemoDB.sysconfig"

C:\Epicor\ERP10\Client\Epicor.exe -config="E10DemoDB.sysconfig" /shell

C:\Epicor\ERP10\Client\Epicor.exe -config="E10DemoDB.sysconfig" /mainmenu

For ERP 10.2.600 and earlier Epicor releases:
C:\Epicor\ERP10\Client\Client\Epicor.exe -config="E10DemoDB.sysconfig" /activehome

for ERP 10.2.700 and later releases:
C:\Epicor\ERP10\Client\Epicor.exe -config="E10DemoDB.sysconfig" /kinetichome
4. Click OK and then launch the client shortcut.

B: Changing the client .sysconfig file

  1. Right-click on the Epicor shortcut on your user’s desktop and select properties.
  2. On the Shortcut tab, in the Target field note the name of the .sysconfig file listed.
  3. Navigate to the /config subfolder in the path discovered in step 2 (e.g. c:\Epicor\ERP10\Client\config).
  4. Edit the .sysconfig file in your text editor of choice.
  5. Search for the line that contains (without quotes) “<LaunchType value” .
  6. Change the value (between double quotes) to reflect the preferred default menu type:

For Modern menu:
ERP 10.2.600 and earlier Epicor releases:
<LaunchType value="Shell" options="Shell|MainMenu|ActiveHome" />

ERP 10.2.700 and later Epicor releases:
<LaunchType value="Shell" options="Shell|MainMenu|KineticHome" />

For Classic menu:
ERP 10.2.600 and earlier Epicor releases:
<LaunchType value="MainMenu" options="Shell|MainMenu|ActiveHome" />

ERP 10.2.700 and later Epicor releases:
<LaunchType value="MainMenu" options="Shell|MainMenu|KineticHome" />

For Active Home/Kinetic Home:
ERP 10.2.600 and earlier Epicor releases:
<LaunchType value="ActiveHome" options="Shell|MainMenu|ActiveHome" />

ERP 10.2.700 and later Epicor releases:
<LaunchType value="KineticHome" options="Shell|MainMenu|KineticHome" />
7. Save changes and then launch the client shortcut.


Thanks Haso.

Unfortunately both those options force it with no choice.

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Yes and we want to give users the choice (but default to the last used).

Can you elaborate what you mean by: “Turn off the forcing” and use a script or shortcut/bat file whatever to set this before launch?


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For me I get options, it just acts as a default, you must have SSO and or Auto Login Enabled? I think when you are SSO you dont get a choice.

I have neither.

I wonder if something else is at play? :thinking:

I can, but pay attention to what me and @hkeric.wci are hammering out.
Might be an easier way.

I’m assuming this is what you did to force it:
I mean to undo that:

I mean to write a script / batch file to find that file, change the value to the default, and then launch Epicor.

I know there was a flag to remove the selection drop down, what are your shortcut args, im curious.

C:\Epicor\ERPDT\67964-CAAB2023\Client\Epicor.exe /config=saas583caab2023.sysconfig /MES /MAINMENU

Must he Authentication or as one would say Binding that plays into effect, if you are HTTPS perhaps it has no choice but to use Browser and not net.tcp

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I think that is it.

Here is a script that will do it, You can edit it as you wish.
Unfortunately, you’ll have to distribute it :sob:

EpicorLaunch.cmd.txt (889 Bytes) ← Remove.txt

#Epicor Dir  - Note where quotes are
set "epicorDir=C:\Epicor\ERPDT\67964-CAAB2023\Client"

#Command to launch Epicor - Note where quotes are
set "epicorCMD=Epicor.exe /config=saas583caab2023.sysconfig"

#Get First Directory Part
set firstDir="c:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Epicor" 

#Get Epicor Strong Name Directory
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%f in (`"dir /b %firstDir%\epicor.exe_StrongName_*"`) do (
set epsDir=%%F

#Change to Epicor Strong Name Directory
cd %firstDir%\%epsDir%

#Get last directory in there, sorted by name
for /f "tokens=* usebackq" %%f in (`dir /b /o:n`) do @set "lastDir=%%f"

#Change to Last Directory
cd %lastDir%

#Have a Template file to Copy over the original one.
#Template has your defaults
copy userTemplate.config user.config /Y

#Change to Epicor Directory
cd %epicorDir%

#Launch Epicor 
start %epicorCMD%


Put that somewhere, and create a shortcut to it.
Set the icon to the one from Epicor.exe in the client directory.
Set the shortcut to run minimized.

The fabulous @Mark_Wonsil pointed out to me privately that this could be more easily done
in PowerShell, and he’s right.

I did it in Batch/Cmd because I was worried that some people have restrictions on running
PowerShell, and I didn’t want to deal with it :rofl:

If y’all want a PowerShell version, I could probably cook one up, but it’ll be later, and someone
might have to remind me.

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Since I spent some time writing a script, I think I’m entitled to give my opinion. :rofl:

Turn off the forced classic, and let your users figure it out. They’ll adjust after they click the wrong thing a few times.


Well here’s mine…

…On second thoughts , it’s late and perhaps my insomnia is messing with me…

Interesting thread… but having everyone using the same UI until you adopt the new for all screens may be a better option.

And from a performance perspective, if you are using the rich, smart client… then the Modern Shell out performs the Kinetic home page… (sadly). Put the Kinetic UI on a web browser and your users will be taking a trip to the opthamologist to get something for eye strain from them trying to keep up with out quick they load in comparison to classic.

Slightly over exaggerated, but I couldn’t help but paint the picture.


We just want to give users the choice (so we are ok with the drop down with the 3 options), but we want it to remember their choice “as the default” for the next time they log on.
Epicor currently behaves like this with the classic box ticked / unticked.

Then there is nothing you need to do. Don’t set anything. If you have, remove it.

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