Kinetic - Steel Service Center - Advanced Unit of Measure

Looking to connect with anyone that has implemented Kinetic in a Steel Service Center.
Wanted to chat about a number of issues as we are thinking through with the initial setup.

@bboes has implemented this in one of his sites.

Mike - are your questions specific to Kinetic (i.e. v11)? I’ve implement E10 in a number of metals companies. Would be happy to chat/connect.


Thanks Jeff -

It’s not kinetic specific at all. I’m at the front end of thinking through how we want to set up our items master / parts master and whether we need Advanced UoM.

I do want to be up front, that we are working with a consultant already, but I would appreciate the opportunity to connect and chat.

I’m glad to connect and chat. Not trying to pitch services :slight_smile: Just sent a DM with some available times.


Hi Mike - Great to talk with you and Dave yesterday, and to channel my steel service center days! Hope you found the conversation helpful.


Jeff -
Very much appreciate you making the time and having the call with us. Yes - it was useful.
From our, albeit brief, conversation it seems like you know your way around Epicor and bridging the gap to a Steel Service center.
In my past experience, part of every new ERP implementation is familiarizing yourself with the ecosystem of consultants around the ERP, so it’s great to make your acquaintance.
What is the name of your company? I know you mentioned it on our call, but I didn’t write it down.

We are very early in terms of our “solutioning exercise”, but I expect we may want to talk further as we go through this. Although we do already have a “client side” project manager, he is not a Epicor specialist (more of a generalist) so it’s possible he / we may want to engage with you as we go through this process.

Once again, thank you for making the time.

Mike - glad to help. I’ll DM you offline with my company and contact info in case I can be of assistance in the future (I always careful to honor the Epiusers rules for consultants).
