Kinetic - textbox - onblur

Hello Guys,
i found there is a problem in textBox on blur event.
the event only trigged when we did tab. if we click mouse somewhere else, the event can’t be fired.
any ideas?

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I think OnBlur is triggered when the focus(cursor blinking) ends on the textbox

yes, that’s what i though too. when the focus leave, the event should be trigged.
but it is not the case in kinetic. only tab works

It’s working in my environment “” on both ‘Tab’ or by clicking anywhere outside the textbox.

What’s your environment version… It could be some version specific issue also…

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our kinetic is 2024.2.7 and version is



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thanks a lot,
i just raised an support ticket to epicor for that issue.

If you can, please do share the solutions suggested by Epicor support (so others can plan accordingly in similar situation)

can you please try add a numeric box and see if tab and click are working on your version?


Checked, both tab and click are not working on numeric box.

thanks. this issue has reported to epicor