Last Scheduled Date

In the header of a Time Phase window, it shows a last scheduled date.
What does this refer to, specifically?
It can’t be last time that part was either material or product of a job and last date that such a job was scheduled. The sample in that picture has jobs firmed and scheduled every day, where it’s a material on that job.

I found this in the Epicor help:
On time phase for the parts last schedule date is in the past and different from the last MRP run.

This happens due either the schedule start date select on MRP process when running it has a previous or different date than the time MRP runs or if you have a schedule task for MRP process and it was not selected the dynamic checkbox next to the schedule start date.

For example if MRP is run today but on the schedule start date is selected yesterday date then the last schedule date on the part will be yesterday date and the las MRP run will be todays date, when the MRP process is launched with a schedule task the schedule start date selected when launched the schedule task will be always the same when MRP run unless the dynamic checkbox is selected and the date will set on the schedule start date based on the type you selected for example Today or Tomorrow.

Thank you, I see the issue now!