LaunchFormOptions Basic Steps

@hkeric.wci can you tell me how can I pass employee id into End Activity form through lfo object?
My code is below:
private void btn_End_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs args)
// ** Place Event Handling Code Here **
EpiDataView edv= (EpiDataView)(oTrans.EpiDataViews[“ActiveWork”]);
// get active labor record
string wc=“”;
wc = string.Format(“JobNum=‘{0}’ AND AssemblySeq = {1} AND OprSeq = {2} AND ActiveTrans = true”, edv.dataView[edv.Row][“JobNum”].ToString(), edv.dataView[edv.Row][“AssemblySeq”].ToString(), edv.dataView[edv.Row][“OprSeq”].ToString());

var ds = _boReader.GetList(“Erp:BO:LaborDtlSearch”, wc, “LaborHedSeq,LaborDtlSeq”);
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
//string strChar02 = edv.dataView[0][“Selected”].ToString();
//MessageBox.Show(strChar02 );
LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();
lfo.IsModal = true;
//lfo.ContextValue = edv;
lfo.ValueIn = string.Format(“{0},{1}”, ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][“LaborHedSeq”].ToString(), ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][“LaborDtlSeq”].ToString());
MessageBox.Show(“Please Select Active Work”);