February 25, 2023, 9:27pm
Trying to set lead times for parts with a BPM.
It sets it but on refresh of the part page it doesn’t seem to hold the value. It just reverts back to the inital value.
When I set it manually, it holds the value.
Am I missing something?
Got tired of it not working so it’s really simple. I only have the field setter in the BPM at the moment.
(Zack Williams)
February 25, 2023, 9:40pm
Data or Method Directive?
If it’s a pre-processing method directive it’s possible that there is something in the BOs base logic that resets the value. Technically when you add a new part l, the part plant record hasn’t been created until after the first update.
I personally tend to use a data directive to set default PartPlant values. Add a condition statement so that it only fires when the record is added.
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February 25, 2023, 9:44pm
Method directive. Post processing.
Base and Pre wouldn’t work.
I was gonna try data directive next. I had it all setup on conditions but it wouldn’t work so I ripped all that out.
February 25, 2023, 9:55pm
The solution was to do a “in-transaction” data directive.
Boom problem solved. Thank you!
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(Kevin Lincecum)
February 26, 2023, 12:17am
Just so you know, never do a base unless you want to completely replace the default logic.
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February 26, 2023, 12:45am
Good to know. I was just thrown into Epicor when I started with it years ago now. Still everyday, feel like I barely know it.
There was never a outline of how all these things work. So I just figure things out.
I know there is the application manual but I don’t even know how much of the customization stuff is covered.
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(Kevin Lincecum)
February 26, 2023, 12:49am
Same. Never had time to read the docs. Don’t have to with all the wealth here now