List of all screens that users have access to

A couple more things....  

1 The full report report (Users & Groups, all menus, no filters) for our very small company,  is 79 pages.

2. Restricting menu access only means they won't see it in the main window.  They can still launch it by other means, particularly the "Open with ..." right click.  So even if the menu for "Customer Entry" is disabled for a particular user, they can still launch it by right clicking on a field that displays the CustID, and selecting "Open with ... Customer Entry"

2b. And any user account that is a Security Manager, totally bypasses the menu security (and BPM rules too, I think)

3. I set up groups that line up with our departments.  Each group has three levels.  So there's:
  Sales-Basic - Stuff like trackers, and routine programs like Order Entry, etc...
  Sales-Medium - Basic, plus more stuff like Customer Entry
  Sales-Advanced - Medium, plus access to onetime or rarely used setup stuff Sales Regions, Salesman, Workforce, etc...

Then each menu item is restricted by group.  Then you can just add or remove group membership for each user as needed.


Is there any way to create a BAQ or a report in Epicor that would show me the list of all screens that users have access to?

Here's example of what I'm trying to create:

I've also tried using the Menu Security Report out of Epicor (which isn't very helpful), here are my parameter choices as well as the output:

In Version 8, there is the "Menu Security Report"


The layout of the report isn't very good.  But maybe you could tweak it or post process it in Excel.