List of all start up flags

Is there are list of all the Epicor shortcut startup flags?

C:\Epicor\E10Live\Client\Epicor.exe /config=E10Live.sysconfig /MES

I know about the following:
/config - which sysconfig file to use
/MES - use MES version
/MESC - use MES customization version
/MEMORY - with memory leak tester enabled

Are there any other flags documented?

Epicor.exe /? shows the main options

Oh nice didn’t know you could do that. Here is what that showed.

(the popup has your typical .net programmer lack of nice formatting :roll_eyes: … it’s the little things…)

/SKIPCHECK - skips version check
/UPDATE - skips version check and runs update
/DB - loach the dashboard instead of main menu
/AUTOLOADSUPPRESS - skips the automatic load of UI applications
/MENUID= -starting menu ID

So there are some like /MEMORY that are undocumented.

There are some other little ones I remember from E9.

Argument Description
AUT Ignored. Used by other parts of the application.
BAS Ignored. Used by other parts of the application.
CON Followed by the configuration file name to use. If no path is specified then the “config” directory is assumed.
DB Use the Dashboard menu.
HH Use the Handheld menu.
MES Use the MES menu.
OD Use the Object Designer. ICE SDK Required
OPT Runs AutoUpdate.exe with the /Optimize command line. This causes the appropriate client assemblies to be put in the native image cache (NGen) and / or the global assembly cache (GAC). You must be an administrator on the computer to run this.
PER Ignored. Used by other parts of the application.
RPT Use the printer that defaults in Crystal Report when the Print Dialog is opened. It can either use /rpt or /rptCrystal as a switch.
SKI or TEC Skips version checking.
UNO Runs AutoUpdate.exe with the /Unoptimize command line. This causes any assemblies that were optimized to be unoptimized.
UPD Forces the client to be updated.
? or HELP Shows how the command line works. This must be the first command line argument.

I think there is now also /classic and there was one to open up the player to replay ATE Scripts.

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/active - Starts with Active Home Page, I think Modern and Classic are options as well.
/CRM starts with CRM License
/HH starts with Hand held
/TE starts with Time and expense

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There is a document titled:

Epicor ERP
Command Line Tools Guide

at Sign In
(requires Epic Web access)


Whoops that’s more on the App Server side, and not the client

The System Administration Guide has a section on runtime arguments

It’s copyrighted material, but here’s some illegible picts to show you that it is there.
