The full list of Bins is in the WhseBin table. You need to compare
it to the PartBin table and list all Bins that exist in WhseBin that
don't exist in PartBin. There may be ways to do this in Crystal or
Report builder, but I'm a fan of Access. Create a make table query
for both tables in Access and include the relevant fields. Next
create a query using the Find Unmatched Query Wizard. It will tell
you which fields exist in one table that don't have a match in the
Brian Stenglein
Clow Stamping Company
it to the PartBin table and list all Bins that exist in WhseBin that
don't exist in PartBin. There may be ways to do this in Crystal or
Report builder, but I'm a fan of Access. Create a make table query
for both tables in Access and include the relevant fields. Next
create a query using the Find Unmatched Query Wizard. It will tell
you which fields exist in one table that don't have a match in the
Brian Stenglein
Clow Stamping Company
--- In, Jerry Hardy <j2hardy@y...> wrote:
> How can we find/print a list of all empty bins?
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