Login Freeze - Spinning wheel

We are getting this too where nothing comes up, close the screen and the home page shows up. We are actually running a cache delete batch in the login script, so I don’t think cache is the issue here.

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I see this issue with EDD installed in one environment then move database to an environment where it is not installed and it happens.

I found old record in the ice.sysconfig pointing towards old data discovery location. But I don’t see this in our production environment.

The issue so far, has not followed the user. Frustrating it’s so intermittent and one single fix does not work. Good luck out there.

Anyone else have users come from E9?

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coming from Vantage 8, not Epicor 9.

Has anyone had a productive response on any of their tickets for this issue?

The cloud team changed something in web.config that seems to have fixed our issue. :tada:

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@JeffLeBert maybe related to 2023.1.X Update Post Mortem and PSA Regarding Performance (and how to fix it) ?

Perhaps a race issue where the client was waiting for data from the server at the C# level that the Kinetic UI needed before loading.

Conjecture but… maybe. Would be cool to kill two birds with one stone.

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Wish they’d make it to all customers.


We are still on 22.2.11 in Production on Enterprise Cloud. We just moved to 23.1.10 in Pilot. I really hope this gets fixed in that upgrade. This has become a daily problem for us with a handful of people. It’s gotten a little less by trying some things through this thread, but it still continues.

We’re finding the same. Freezes upon logging in, delays in printing occasionally (has been an issue for well over a year, nothing that can be done as it’s resource bottlenecking on their side I’m told), and currently more and more users are reporting random freezes of the software, particularly if it’s been left to idle for 10 minutes.

Got a ticket open with EpicCare to see what can be done, currently working through checking that exclusions are intact with the AV software.

So I am not the only one…

Definitely not. I had a ticket open for nearly a year trying to get it resolved.

End result was Epicor has an agent which handles the printing aspect, but the resource is shared not just across different environments or tenants, but for the whole server. So if multiple customers are hitting it hard, everyone suffers. Which is why sometimes it prints quickly, and sometimes can take an awfully long time.

One of the downsides of being cloud hosted, resources are shared…

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We ran into that as well with printing to where it was down for multiple hours. We went to Enterprise Cloud , our printing issues have not occurred.

It costs more, but it also keeps the business running without delays. We couldn’t afford not to be printing tags and shipping paperwork and delaying shipments.

We still get the login problem though. It is random, but annoying.

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To me this isn’t a cloud issue. It is the outcome of using an on-prem architecture in the cloud. In native cloud programming, the architecture would not have a single agent carrying out requests like this. One of the advantages of the cloud is elasticity. Clearly, the System Agent does not take advantage of this capability. The cloud approach would have several agents running hot, a couple of spares warmed up but available for work, and potentially more that could be spun up when the warm ones move into service. Conversely, as agents become idle, the unused agents shut down.

Elasticity is only possible when using shared resources. Sharing resources is an upside when used properly. This is an architectural problem. I’m fairly confident that Epicor is moving in right direction and will eventually make the System Agent more performant when they utilize the benefits of the cloud instead of lifting and shifting a per server solution.


One of my favorite advantages of cloud.


I know this has been idle for a bit now, but we have been experiencing this freezing issue after login for four of our users as well for several months now. We moved from 10.2 to 2022.2 in June and I suspect this started happening shortly sometime after. We’re on-prem. Has anyone else found a reliable solution for an on-prem situation?

Can you test if disabling system monitor from start on login will help those users?
Set this line in the sysconfig:
StartSystemMonitor value=“False”

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I will give that a try. Thanks.


I have tried the StartSystemMonitor value=“False” with a user this morning that had the freezing - blue spinning circle, and it did not resolve the issue.

Many of us here used to get a blank (white) window after the login in 2022.2.8 (I’d have to kill it with the Ctrl+Alt+Del task manager), and resolved it by modifying the .sysconfig AlternateCacheFolder line to point to the client folder itself.