A Production manager called my attention to behavior in Mass Issue that I had not see before. He did Mass issue on a job that had a production of 10 , inputting to only Mass issue for 2 to start (per screenshot). This worked fine. Then the next day he went to issue 3 more and it will not do it. No more partial issues. It leaves zeroes in the Quantity Issued grid. It will only allow him to Mass issue the remaining full 7, then it completes the Quantity Issued. I told him to take down the job prod qty to 5 temporarily, if he really wants to partial issue. I toyed with teaching him how to take it to Excel, input what he wanted and past update, but that feels ripe for error. Any thoughts on this out there?
I believe you can edit the issued Qty’s on the grid that shows after clicking Issue.
You have to do the math by hand, for each material line.
I’ve never liked the Mass Issue program (yet we use it almost exclusively). The UI wonky. Originally, it would look like the issue didn’t happen, so we’d run it again - netting in a double issue. It has to do with how the info presented depends on the radio buttons.
Yeah, we can edit them after, but that sorta defeats the purpose of the Mass Issue. I don’t love the program either but when issuing 50 parts of varying quantities from varying bins to a job, it really becomes a necessity… unless we ever did backflushing but that’s for another day.
After doing the partial issue, is the “Issued Complete” flag set?
Although that seems like it would prevent any further issues, and not limit you to the exact qty remaining.
Do any parts use any flags that make the Qty Required not linear with the Qty Produced? (I’m having a brain fart as to what that flag is called in the BOM - the one that says “just use this amount regardless of how many parents are made” )
Nope ~ no issued complete checked on any of the parts. Also, nothing funky on the qty required not being linear function of the parent. All very normal…
When I come in, Open Issues is checked. Then when I push “Issue All” button (to issue my 1 (parent) required to issue) it checks completed per earlier screenshot but leaves all the Qty Issued blank(0). If I do something other than click Issue all with the Open issues checked, it does nothing.
We have found this to be a little ‘Wonky’ also. the first day of issuing 2 works fine. On the second day , if you want to make another 3, you have to mass issue 5. The hint was that you only had 7 left ( out of 10) which is 10-3 ( the last mass issue). if you were to go to day 3 and try to mass issue 2, it would not let you because you already issued 3. In other words, Mass Issue is cumulative not additive. I hope this helps.
Checking with Job Tracker shows that 2 x Qty Per has been issued
Launch Mass Issue to Mfg and enter Job number
The Assy Qty shows 7. You’d think it would be 5 (the original 7 minus the 2 from the previous mass issue), but it doesn’t.
Change Assy Qty to 3, and click Issue button
The Mass Issue window switches to the Issue -> List Sheet, the Open Issues radio button is checked, and the Qty Issued column has all zeros. Just like the first time (step 5)
Click Issue All button
The Qty Issued column now updates with values equal to Qty Per x 3 (the qty from step 13), and the Completed radio button is now marked
Click OK to issue the qtys shown in step 16. Note the Completed radio button remains checked, but the Qty Issued column reverts to zeros. Previous Issued now shows the Qty’s from both Mass Issues
Close Mass issue
Checking with Job Tracker shows that 5 x Qty Per has been issued
It seems that the Issue All but “locks out” to prevent double issues. This might be new since V8, as it used to happen to us all the time.
If I want to issue more to this job, I have to change the Assy Qty on the first sheet and click Issue again. Or just close and re-open the Mass Issue program
I’m doing the same exact thing (ensure no customization, no bpm running - which I actually normally do have running) but Step 16 does not occur for us. Are you truly on 10.1.400.23?
We are on 10.1.500.20.
Yes. We are 10.1.400.23.
Like I said in my follow-up post, it appears to “lock out” the issue all functionality after you’ve done an issue to a job. I had to either close out the Mass Issue screen and re-open it or change the Assy Qty and click the Issue button on sheet “Job/Assemblies”.
I think that Issue button does more than switch you to the Issue -> List sheet.
We have had a few weird mass issue issues with E10. We have some parts they don’t issue until they finish the job. The job is still open but we have issue getting the remaining parts to issue.
Ok, I’ve tested on a completely different part / job. I’m getting strange results here too. One thing that’s very strange is that when I try to issue a partial 2 (following initial 1) it fails first time around. Reopen and then try it, and it issues one, instead of the asked for 2. (I have 47 left on job to do). Wow. I think it’s Friday afternoon.