Mass SSRS Data Source Change?

With SSRS, there is the CustomReports folder. Obviously, we keep our Custom Reports in here. I have had to move things around and the Shared Data source is no longer the same. However, we have a LOT of reports in this folder.

Is there a way to change the Shared Data Source path for all reports at one time in this folder?

We are running Sql Server 2012.

Move them with solution workbench, that should take care of it


Well, it worked for most, but not all. I selected all reports, so not sure why. BUT, it did get the vast majority. I’m thinking I will just wait and see who screams first! LOL!

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I’ve had some mixed results with the solution workbench. Overall, great tool and works 99% of the time. Sometimes it misses things or things don’t move just right. Not 100% sure why.

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