In 9.05.702 you can see all unselected orders to be picked regardless of who or what warehouse team we sent the order to. In E10.1.500.11 orders are visible in the Material Queue Manager but not visible in the Material Request Queue. I can log in as the user the order were sent to but it has been handy to still have all un-selected orders available to choose from without having a supervisor change who can pick the order. I haven’t found this as a documented change so just checking with other users before I report to support.
You can assign a team and a user when releasing to picking. Everyone in the warehouse team then sees it. Can’t see all orders for picking though.
Correct. I was able to log in a user on a warehouse team to see some of the orders we have sent to picking but there is still a number in limbo. It does not seems to be documented anywhere that this was an intended change which is what worries me. We are coming across some more like this as we dig deeper into our testing.
Both MES and Full App. I am trying to figure out if this was a change that was not supposed to happen. If it was working to see all in 10.1.400 then I am wondering if something got coded differently unintentionally for 10.1.500 since there are no documentation of any change. Thank you.
I am on 10.1.400.23 and if you assign a pick to a team then anyone in the team can see it to select. If you assign it to team and a person everyone in the team can still see it. If you don’t assign a team then I think every person can see it to select. Once a person selects it only they can see it.
There is a difference between assigning and selecting it.
You are right. What is not the same in 10.1.500 is that before a person has selected the record to their own queue the records are not all showing in the unselected list.
Not sure if you’ve got your answers, but I find out that If we don’t click Yes when it prompted “Do you want to print the released items?”. The request would skip the Material Queue Manager.
Hello, my team was experiencing this issue for awhile, and were able to find a solution. First off, there is an EpiCare article that has been written on this topic now, please refer to - Knowledge Base - EpicCare
(This post predates the article, but is good to know).
Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
Go to fulfillment workbench
Select an SO that is to be fulfilled
Go to actions < reserve and release for picking < primary warehouse only
If there are no errors, you will receive a pop up stating so, press “OK”
Next, you will receive this pop up
This is where the mistakes can occur:
1. If you press the X button to close out this pop up, it will research the items, but it will not pick them. Therefore it will not go to the managers queue, nor the request queue.
Press “OK”, then you will receive this pop up
This is where mistakes can occur:
1. If you press “Yes”, you will then receive the prompt to print. This will cause the SO picking to be sent to the managers queue instead of the request queue. To prevent this issue from occurring, press “No”.
Press “Yes” to this prompt to reproduce this issue
Go to the manager’s queue, you will see the order to be picked
Go to the request queue, you will not see the order, even though no one picked it
Press “No” to avoid this issue
Go to the manager’s queue, you will see the order to be picked
Go to the request queue, you will see the order to be picked
As mentioned previously though, according to Epicor this is intended functionality for the system. In my opinion, it is poor design though and not well documented. Hopefully this provides a clear explanation to anyone who encounters this issue in the future.