Is there a simple parameter that can be set that lets Epicor 9 know our maximum weekly production capability. We are running MRP assuming infinite capacity so for spikes in demand MRP will plan to produce all that quantity for the week they are due and the scheduler will have to manually smooth load the demand by firming jobs early. E.G. demand qty of 5, maximum weekly production capability of 2, we would like suggestions for 2 on the due date, 2 for due date -1 week and 1 for due date -2 weeks
There is a forecast tool in the system which I think you can set this up. It has been a while since I played with it, and it was there in version 9. I just don’t remember which screen it is under. Also if you have AMM the Replenishment Workbench may help you.
I think we do it manually, we only have about a dozen parts that drives everything so we just create those jobs a few months ahead of time. Anything we don’t use we just delete. Yeah, not the most elegant way of handling things.
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 4:32 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Maximum weekly production capability
Is there a simple parameter that can be set that lets Epicor 9 know our maximum weekly production capability. We are running MRP assuming infinite capacity so for spikes in demand MRP will plan to produce all that quantity for the week they are due and the scheduler will have to manually smooth load the demand by firming jobs early. E.G. demand qty of 5, maximum weekly production capability of 2, we would like suggestions for 2 on the due date, 2 for due date -1 week and 1 for due date -2 weeks
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