Menu Alias

Anyone using the menu Alias and get it to work? I am under the impression that adding an alias will now make the original menu show up in the search if the alias is keyed in. Alas, I added a bunch and this is not the case. What am I doing wrong? or is this one of those cool new Epicor features that don’t work?

Aliasing doesn’t seem to work in my system either. I also have an issue when I load the kinetic screen to apply an alias where it doesn’t pull in the classic customization that was assigned to that menu item, which means when I saved after changing the alias the customization was cleared.

They made it do it has to be a full match, not a starts with. (I don’t know why…) but if you type in the whole thing, it should work.

Am I missing something?

I’ve tried typing it complete as well, no luck for me on that front.

I believe it’s suppose to officially be searchable in 2024.1