Moving from 5.2 to 8.0 or 9.0

I am sure a lot of you have moved from an older version to current.

How many of you started over? Or did you go thru the conversion and move
your data?

How long did you test?

We looked into this previously but due to limited personnel, we chose not to
upgrade. Now, I think we have to upgrade. We want to run some of the
workstations on Windows 7 - 64 BIT, and 5.2 will not run on it. Which
brings up my other question, has anyone been successful getting 5.2 to run
on 64 BIT?

Any advise or opinions?

Best Regards,

Dina M. Hieber

Vamco International, Inc.

555 Epsilon Drive

Pittsburgh, PA 15238

(412) 963-7100 x 203

(412) 963-9511


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