MRP Fails/Cancels but Completes

Been having an issue where MRP runs, but immediately completes right after.

Looking at the logs, i’m getting an “invalid username or password” error. I’ve tried the suggestions in the many KB articles (KB0039354, KB0028844) in the EpicCare site, but none seem to be fixing the issue I have.

It seems to be cancelling at subprocess step:

12:35:34 ------------------------------------------------------------
12:35:34 Starting sub-processes
12:35:34 System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Invalid username or password.
   at Ice.Cloud.ProxyBase`1.CallWithCommunicationFailureRetry(String methodName, ProxyValuesIn valuesIn, ProxyValuesOut valuesOut, RestRpcValueSerializer serializer) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Shared\Framework\Epicor.ServiceModel\Cloud\ProxyBase.cs:line 734
   at Ice.Cloud.ProxyBase`1.CallWithMultistepBpmHandling(String methodName, ProxyValuesIn valuesIn, ProxyValuesOut valuesOut, Boolean useSparseCopy) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Shared\Framework\Epicor.ServiceModel\Cloud\ProxyBase.cs:line 679
   at Ice.Cloud.ProxyBase`1.Call(String methodName, ProxyValuesIn valuesIn, ProxyValuesOut valuesOut, Boolean useSparseCopy) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Shared\Framework\Epicor.ServiceModel\Cloud\ProxyBase.cs:line 658
   at Ice.Proxy.Lib.RunTaskImpl.RunSubTask(String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 taskParameters) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.0\Source\Shared\Contracts\Lib\RunTask\RunTaskProxy.cs:line 43
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Span`1& arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
   at Ice.Hosting.RunTaskHelper.RunSubTask(ImplBase runTaskImpl, String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 taskParameters) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\RunTaskHelper.cs:line 42
   at Ice.Hosting.SubTaskLauncher.CallTaskInternal(String sysUserId, String sysUserPassword, String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 parameters, TimeSpan operationTimeout) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\SubTaskLauncher.cs:line 66
   at Ice.Hosting.SubTaskLauncher.CallTask(String sysUserId, String sysUserPassword, String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 parameters) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\SubTaskLauncher.cs:line 39
   at Erp.Internal.MR.MrpExp.startMRPParallelTasks(List`1 parameters, String processCode, String userID, String password, SubTaskLauncher subTaskLauncher) in C:\_releases\ERP\ERP11.2.200.31\Source\Server\Internal\MR\MrpExp\MrpExp.cs:line 2811
12:35:34 System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Invalid username or password.
   at Ice.Cloud.ProxyBase`1.CallWithCommunicationFailureRetry(String methodName, ProxyValuesIn valuesIn, ProxyValuesOut valuesOut, RestRpcValueSerializer serializer) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Shared\Framework\Epicor.ServiceModel\Cloud\ProxyBase.cs:line 734
   at Ice.Cloud.ProxyBase`1.CallWithMultistepBpmHandling(String methodName, ProxyValuesIn valuesIn, ProxyValuesOut valuesOut, Boolean useSparseCopy) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Shared\Framework\Epicor.ServiceModel\Cloud\ProxyBase.cs:line 679
   at Ice.Cloud.ProxyBase`1.Call(String methodName, ProxyValuesIn valuesIn, ProxyValuesOut valuesOut, Boolean useSparseCopy) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Shared\Framework\Epicor.ServiceModel\Cloud\ProxyBase.cs:line 658
   at Ice.Proxy.Lib.RunTaskImpl.RunSubTask(String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 taskParameters) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.0\Source\Shared\Contracts\Lib\RunTask\RunTaskProxy.cs:line 43
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Span`1& arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
   at Ice.Hosting.RunTaskHelper.RunSubTask(ImplBase runTaskImpl, String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 taskParameters) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\RunTaskHelper.cs:line 42
   at Ice.Hosting.SubTaskLauncher.CallTaskInternal(String sysUserId, String sysUserPassword, String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 parameters, TimeSpan operationTimeout) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\SubTaskLauncher.cs:line 66
   at Ice.Hosting.SubTaskLauncher.CallTask(String sysUserId, String sysUserPassword, String subTaskAssemblyName, List`1 parameters) in C:\_releases\ICE\ICE4.2.200.31\Source\Server\Framework\Epicor.Ice\Hosting\TaskCaller\SubTaskLauncher.cs:line 39
   at Erp.Internal.MR.MrpExp.startMRPParallelTasks(List`1 parameters, String processCode, String userID, String password, SubTaskLauncher subTaskLauncher) in C:\_releases\ERP\ERP11.2.200.31\Source\Server\Internal\MR\MrpExp\MrpExp.cs:line 2807
12:35:35 Scheduling Jobs...
12:35:35 Erp.Internal.MR.MRPCancelledException: Cancelling from MrpExp mrp
   at Erp.Internal.MR.MrpExp.mrp(Boolean p_net, String p_plist, Nullable`1 p_cutoff, String p_reqtype, Nullable`1 MRP_DEBUG_ON, String ipPartList, String ipPartClassList, String ipProdGrupList, List`1 ttMrpProcRows, List`1 ttMrpQueueRows) in C:\_releases\ERP\ERP11.2.200.31\Source\Server\Internal\MR\MrpExp\MrpExp.cs:line 2348
   at Erp.Internal.MR.MrpExp.main_block(List`1 ttMrpProcRows, List`1 ttMrpQueueRows) in C:\_releases\ERP\ERP11.2.200.31\Source\Server\Internal\MR\MrpExp\MrpExp.cs:line 1866
   at Erp.Internal.MR.MrpExp.RunProcess(Int64 instanceTaskNum, String outputFileName) in C:\_releases\ERP\ERP11.2.200.31\Source\Server\Internal\MR\MrpExp\MrpExp.cs:line 823

Is your task agent running under an epicor basic account? Or AD?

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It’s a basic account, i created a printsvc account to use in both system agent and the task agent.

Might the password have timed out? Or do you have it running as an Integration Account? Try logging in at a client and see what happens.

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It’s a fresh account I created to troubleshoot the MRP issue, not being used for any integrations, password was reset. I can login with no issue with that user.


Go to the System Agent screen. There is a user and password there, used to start multi-thread features like MRP, PO Suggestions, etc. I am pretty confident the user, or the password, or a both are incorrect.

Hey Alex,

The system agent login details and task agent login details are both set to the new printsvc credentials I had created.

The solution to this seems simple looking at other cases, but no matter what I try I can’t seem to get it to work in this instance, could it be some kind of permission issue?

Did you check KB0028844 on EpicCare?

Hi Jeff,

Yes, i mentioned that KB in my original post, followed all the steps in that article and no luck.

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I’m like 99% confident that this is the issue. Make sure to type them again, test them and restart the task agent.

I’ve re-entered the login information in system agent, if I entered an incorrect username/password, I would get an error message saying the username/password is invalid. But I didn’t get that so I assume I’m entering it correctly.

Also I’m also able to print out reports with no issue, so I can assume that the login information I entered in task agent is correct as well (the same login information used in system agent)

To validate if the credentials are right, just try to log in Epicor with them. There is certainly something wrong with them and nop, they don’t prevent printings from working, and nop you won’t get an error message entering invalid credentials.

I’m able to log in using the same credentials, so I know they’re correct. Put the same credentials in system agent but no luck. Currently stuck on this, I have an open ticket with Epicor support but nothing yet.