MRP Pegging

I wanto to run MRP daily but run MRP Pegging hourly to provide as close to a live picture as possible for planning purposes.
Is this stratgey acceptable or should MRP Pegging only be run in conjunction with a full MRP?

Example scenario:
I have a multi level bill of materials working in a make to stock environment.
Production is held waiting for a lower level purchased part.
The Production Planning Process will alert the user that the top level build has a shortage and provide the part that is short.
If this shortage is itself a manufactured part which is held for a purchased part the user must continue drilling into the detail.
MRP pegging will however provide the detail.

Question is - if I rerun MRP Pegging without rerunning MRP after the receipt of the purchased part will it now link the supply record to W - warehouse instead of P - purchase order?

Pegging can run without MRP and yes it will move the supply as you describe, but make note of how long it takes to run.

We run Process Multi Level Pegging three times a day and it takes almost 15 minutes, so if we ran it hourly we would only have data for 45 minutes at a time.

Thanks for the resposne.

I currently run MRP Pegging at 1 site hourly between the hours of 08:00 - 16:00 - but I only focus on the J entries. MRP Pegging takes around 100 - 120 seconds to run.

I want to adpot the same strategy at a 2nd site but use both J and P entries. MRP Pegging takes around 150 - 180 seconds to run.

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