Multi-Value Quick Search - Search-Value-Set

I am attempting to add a Search function to a PO Release, where the buyer can search for an existing Requisition Line, and apply the ReqNum and ReqLine values to the PORel data view.

I followed the steps in this thread: Multi Field Bindings - Search-Value-Set

The search appears correctly, the Quick Search displays as expected, but when a search result is chosen and the user clicks OK, ‘undefined’ values are applied to the fields I am attempting to update (PORel.ReqNum and PORel.ReqLine).

Owner: btnRequisitionSearch_onClick
Select Mode: SingleSelect
Like: ReqHead.ReqNum
Search Form: Default
Search Type: Quick
Search Name: DC-RequisitionLineSearch

Ep Binding: PORel
Value: searchResult
Columns: [“ReqDetail_ReqNum”, “ReqDetail_ReqLine”] fields from my Quick Search BAQ
Multi Field Bindings: [“PORel.ReqNum”, “PORel.ReqLine”]

Dev tools show this:

Am I missing anything, or have something configured incorrectly in my setup?

I don’t know if this ever got submitted to support, but I worked through a similar issue with @dgross with a BAQ search and could not get it to work when using Erp tables.

Search-value-set when using BAQ search type - Kinetic 202X - Epicor User Help Forum (

Ope, I got it.

Instead of using search-value-set, use a row-update and use the ErpSearchResults dataview for the value binding.


Thanks, I think this is getting me closer, but the ErpSearchResults dataview contains all of the search results, not just the one that was selected by the user.

Any idea how I can retrieve only the selected search result?

Don’t be so picky? :rofl:

The searchResult Data View contains a single row, but it looks like it is a ‘GetList’ row related to the ‘Like’ column specified in the Search-Show. It’s not actually the result of the QuickSearch BAQ.

Seems to behave just like you described in that other thread with @dgross

Might be able to use the dataview-condition dataview-filter-set to do a lookup of the key field in the searchResult to the ErpSearchResults (ew).

Here ya go.

This was submitted to support but without resolution. I actually had 2 different cases - first one (CS0003339286) they wanted me to test after we upgraded to 2022.2.8 which I did and still was an issue. 2nd case (CS0003498914) I had a webex to show support the issue and they requested that I provide a simple example with detail instructions. In the meantime I had moved on and haven’t had time to create the example for support.

It seems we may have just solved it!

Who needs dat support?! Pft

I am very thankful for this user group and find more help on here than I get from support!