Hi all,
I had a similar issue to this post here:
I followed the steps but didn’t give me the solution I needed.
I want to find the Invoice numbers linked to PO lines. And since there can be multiple invoices for a PO line, I would like the results to be seen in one line instead of multiple lines.
Please help if you can fix this.
[PORel].[PONum] as [PORel_PONum],
[PORel].[POLine] as [PORel_POLine],
[PORel].[PORelNum] as [PORel_PORelNum],
[PORel].[RelQty] as [PORel_RelQty],
[PORel].[ReceivedQty] as [PORel_ReceivedQty],
[PODetail].[PartNum] as [PODetail_PartNum],
[PODetail].[LineDesc] as [PODetail_LineDesc],
(cast(APInvDtl.InvoiceNum as varchar) + ', ') as [Calculated_Invoices]
from Erp.APInvDtl as APInvDtl1
where (APInvDtl1.PONum = APInvDtl.PONum FOR XML PATH('')))) , '</Calculated_Invoices>',''),'<Calculated_Invoices>','')), 1, 1, ''))) as [Calculated_Invoices_]
from Erp.PODetail as PODetail
inner join Erp.PORel as PORel on
PODetail.Company = PORel.Company
and PODetail.PONUM = PORel.PONum
and PODetail.POLine = PORel.POLine
and ( PORel.OpenRelease = 1 and PORel.RelQty = PORel.ReceivedQty and PORel.PONum = 108661 )
inner join Erp.APInvDtl as APInvDtl on
APInvDtl.Company = PORel.Company
and APInvDtl.PONum = PORel.PONum
and APInvDtl.POLine = PORel.POLine
and APInvDtl.PORelNum = PORel.PORelNum