The employee would already be logged in so in so, in the customization of End activity you would have to trap the appropriate final BO method of the end activity app (run a trace to see what it is) BEFORE it executes the record write (to trigger storage of the job, assy & op number in a temp vb array - which you probably would have to write to appropriate type ud fields in the related LaborHead table record for the labor activity just ended so it is available to both the Start & End activity apps as you 'loop').
Then your 'loop' button would have to execute process caller code to relaunch the start activity app & populate the temp stored job assy and op number, force a save & simultaneously relaunch end activity and close start activity (again - prepopulating the stored job, asy and op number).
It would be much easier to do within the single full license Labor Entry app... Been a while since I did any customization on MES apps... I seem to recall only one data entry can be open at a time (disregarding trackers) and that might make it tricky.
One of the many BPM gurus out there might have a better server based solution.
Rob Brown
From: Charlie Wilson <foamdesigncsw@...>
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:28:31 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Multiple Non Conformances on one end activity
We are running a zero time lapse loop style procedure right now. But they
want me to set up some sort of button that would basically run the loop for
them and bring them right back to the end activity screen.
The button would have to do the fallowing.
Finalize the end of the current activity.
Record somewhere what employee, job, assem, and operation was just ended
Login in that employee
Start an activity for job, assem, and operation noted above
End activity for job assem and operation noted above
The user would then enter the NCM info and either hit the loop button or ok
the end activity which would finalize the entries.
Is this even possible?
From: vantage@yahoogroups .com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of
Robert Brown
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:23 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Multiple Non Conformances on one end activity
Assuming your on 8.03.4xx, a single end activity can only have one reason
code assigned to the qty reported non-conforming (and/or scrap).
If you want to report multiple reason codes for qty's at a specific job-op
thru MES, you'll have to train people to do additional start/end activity
(effectively zero time elapsed) reports in order to assign different
additional specific reason codes for qty's in non-conformance at a job OP.
That might be a challenging training issue (to get people to actually
execute it accurately and reliably).
You might consider having nonconformances (and perhaps scrap) 'paper
reported' for batch entry by a supervisor using full license Labor Entry
(where it can be done much faster with a single entry for each
nonconformance versus the start/end activity of MES) - OR - use greatly
simplified reason codes for the actual MES non-conformance entry
(essentially having a single reason code backed up by a paper process that
communicates to QC the specifics) & then having inspection processing (also
faster than MES) do the multiple inspection pass/fail entries that include
the more complex & specific reason codes you wish to capture.
I recall reading some of our brethren out there have gotten around this ease
of use problem thru customization (via non-native app UD tables that allow
multiple non-native reason codes & non-conformance qty's to be entered in a
single end activity). That would likely require additional modifications to
inspection & DMR apps (as well as summary/pareto style reports) to make them
'aware' of the UD reason code extension.
____________ _________ _________ __
From: Charlie Wilson <foamdesigncsw@ <mailto:foamdesignc sw%40yahoo. com>>
To: vantage@yahoogroups <mailto:vantage% 40yahoogroups. com> .com
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 10:47:18 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Multiple Non Conformances on one end activity
What do you all do when you have to enter multiple non conformances on one
end activity on MES?
For example part a had 10 NCMs for reason 15 and part a had 6 NCMs for
reason 13.
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Then your 'loop' button would have to execute process caller code to relaunch the start activity app & populate the temp stored job assy and op number, force a save & simultaneously relaunch end activity and close start activity (again - prepopulating the stored job, asy and op number).
It would be much easier to do within the single full license Labor Entry app... Been a while since I did any customization on MES apps... I seem to recall only one data entry can be open at a time (disregarding trackers) and that might make it tricky.
One of the many BPM gurus out there might have a better server based solution.
Rob Brown
From: Charlie Wilson <foamdesigncsw@...>
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:28:31 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Multiple Non Conformances on one end activity
We are running a zero time lapse loop style procedure right now. But they
want me to set up some sort of button that would basically run the loop for
them and bring them right back to the end activity screen.
The button would have to do the fallowing.
Finalize the end of the current activity.
Record somewhere what employee, job, assem, and operation was just ended
Login in that employee
Start an activity for job, assem, and operation noted above
End activity for job assem and operation noted above
The user would then enter the NCM info and either hit the loop button or ok
the end activity which would finalize the entries.
Is this even possible?
From: vantage@yahoogroups .com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups .com] On Behalf Of
Robert Brown
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 6:23 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups .com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Multiple Non Conformances on one end activity
Assuming your on 8.03.4xx, a single end activity can only have one reason
code assigned to the qty reported non-conforming (and/or scrap).
If you want to report multiple reason codes for qty's at a specific job-op
thru MES, you'll have to train people to do additional start/end activity
(effectively zero time elapsed) reports in order to assign different
additional specific reason codes for qty's in non-conformance at a job OP.
That might be a challenging training issue (to get people to actually
execute it accurately and reliably).
You might consider having nonconformances (and perhaps scrap) 'paper
reported' for batch entry by a supervisor using full license Labor Entry
(where it can be done much faster with a single entry for each
nonconformance versus the start/end activity of MES) - OR - use greatly
simplified reason codes for the actual MES non-conformance entry
(essentially having a single reason code backed up by a paper process that
communicates to QC the specifics) & then having inspection processing (also
faster than MES) do the multiple inspection pass/fail entries that include
the more complex & specific reason codes you wish to capture.
I recall reading some of our brethren out there have gotten around this ease
of use problem thru customization (via non-native app UD tables that allow
multiple non-native reason codes & non-conformance qty's to be entered in a
single end activity). That would likely require additional modifications to
inspection & DMR apps (as well as summary/pareto style reports) to make them
'aware' of the UD reason code extension.
____________ _________ _________ __
From: Charlie Wilson <foamdesigncsw@ <mailto:foamdesignc sw%40yahoo. com>>
To: vantage@yahoogroups <mailto:vantage% 40yahoogroups. com> .com
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 10:47:18 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Multiple Non Conformances on one end activity
What do you all do when you have to enter multiple non conformances on one
end activity on MES?
For example part a had 10 NCMs for reason 15 and part a had 6 NCMs for
reason 13.
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