Multiple part entries in a warehouse with 0 qty next to them

Hi all, i

it has been flagged to me that our ship warehouse has multiple entries with 0 QTY next to them.

This hasnt happened for all the parts that have been in this warehouse other wise there would be more. Has anyone seen this before? and do you know how to get rid of them

What are we looking at? Is this a BAQ result set? What is the BAQ trying to capture?

I could be you just need a condition to not show records where the quantity is zero… but I don’t know what this query is trying to accomplish.

This is just from the bin tracker. if i part tracker the part it shows in there as an entry with 0 qty aswell

Is there quantity elsewhere? Another warehouse or bin?

Yes there is QTY in other warehouses

My guess would be there is a negative somewhere. When bins go below 0, Epicor keeps all bin quantities “active” until the negatives are cleared. So, my assumption would be that there used to be a quantity in that bin and when it was removed, Epicor left the record “active”.

Think of it this way, if you are trying to figure out where the inventory is, you would have to dig into the Part Transaction History to figure out what came from where. The way Epicor handles it, you can see pretty quickly where transactions occurred so you can track down the problem easier.