NACHA Payroll File question

We have gotten the NACHA Payroll file to generate successfully and the bank has tested it with only one exception which is the debit side to offset the total credits. Has anyone generated a NACHA payroll file (this is for Citizens bank) and could help with where that debit field is generated? The bank said it only has the credit side to the employee right now

I may be off, but that sounds like your bank info is missing.

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I agree with @Jason_Woods, I’ve done several NACHA ACH’s (not specific to payroll however) and have never had to do anything like this. You can do debits, you can do credits, but as far as I know, there is no offset. I’ve dealt with Citizens in the past for a NACHA and found to be quite a pain (and they techinically werent using NACHA as they deviated from the standard format)

Maybe they are trying to tell you that you need to switch you debits and credits around?

Thanks to both you and Jason. The bank has been vague about this and I can’t find anything in their document about it.

You can see the logic used to write the file under your server installation directory in Erp\EI\PayrollElectronicDeposit_NACHA

The Bank should give you their specific template in case it is different from the standard format, something like this

We use Citizens Bank, and we them send a NACHA file for ACH A/P payments, but not payroll. In November 2019, they required us to change the ACH file format to a new and improved format described in a 20 page Citizens Bank ACH Technical Manual. It took several iterations of the editing the .cs file to get everything just the way their new software wanted it. Your question sounds specific to the one of the payroll fields, so I’m not sure I can help. But let me know, and I’ll dig into our files.

Thanks. We had a call with them and there were several things they identified. One interesting thing was the number of blocks based on the number of payroll lines. So for example, if there were 44 checks, the number of blocks would be 5, not 4 because they are expecting the block count in groups of 10. Epicor was recording it as a 4 for the number of blocks. The other issues is they want the gross amount of the payroll group to show as its own line as the debit to offset the credits for each payroll check. Finally the payroll check date from Epicor was not correct in the file it was displaying the print date so that had to be modified

So if anyone wants to do a NACHA payroll file for Citizens would be glad to share our learnings