Need a help to get the total cost of material within BOM after invoice. - Epicor 9

Can anyone help me with a report this will give the cost of the BOM once invoiced. I guess you could all this a gross margin report in away. I am looking for Part number, Prodcode, lot number / job number, invoice number, Partran. MtlUnitCost. We have different materials in the BOM EG 1 x raw material and attachments. I want to get the individual costs of per the BOM items invoice number.


@Lee_Myers I have a baq that does this, but a few questions first. Are you 9.5 still? Do you ship from job, inventory or both? Are you lot tracked?

These are the tables involved.

Hi Greg, thanks for the reply.

Yes running 9.5 in production. Also have v10 test system going :slight_smile:

We ship from both job and inventory. we use lot tracking on our make to stock jobs.

Looking at your baq I was on the right tack, I was thinking I needed a subreport somewhere along the lines but I might be wrong.


@Lee_Myers Here are the E9 baqs that may be of use.

COMP01-Tariff_Billing_From_Job 9-27-19.baq (39.6 KB)
COMP01-Tariff_Billing_From_Inv 9-27-19.baq (39.5 KB)

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