Need Help Adding JobMtl.DocUnitPrice to SCTicket Service Call Center

Any ideas?

Not sure, reports are not my forte. I do have some confusion about why you are having to modify relationships in the SSRS if the data you want is already included on the RDD. From my understanding, the RDD is what drives the data that will populate the dataset for the report.

The table is in RDD, yes. But it was not in the SSRS report mapped to the dataset I needed it to be mapped to. It was in a separate dataset that didn’t seem to be able to pull the data. I tried adding it to the FSCallHd dataset but didn’t seem to help.

Any ideas anyone???

Really stuck here and need to make some progress on it soon.


I got pulled off this for a bit and trying to get back into it.

Does anybody out here know how to add the JobMtl.DocUnitPrice to the dataset FSCallHd in the SCTicket so I can use that field for some calculations?

Any help is appreciated.



Help? Anybody?

In the ServCall.Rdl?
Then I’m thinking you’d want the SUM of JobMtl.DocUnitPrice added to FSCallHd.
Since there can be multiple materials for a job. Or do you really want to add JobMtl.DocUnitPrice to ServCall_Materials.Rdl - in the JobMtl dataset?

Either way… I’d start by making a copy of the RDD SCTicket and remove the exclusion for JobMtl.DocUnitPrice. Then make a copy of the SCTicket report style and specify the new RDD.

Simply allowing the field in the RDD doesn’t always add your field automatically to the desired dataset in your reports RDL file(s).

The thread below is for a different report but…
Might give you an idea (of one way) you can add new field(s) to report RDL/dataset(s) that are used by SCTicket.


The specifics of why I need it is because my employer wants to take the specific cost of labor and divide it by a number to determine the number of hours to show on ticket.

So I need the SCTicket to pull the cost of the labor (LABR) and put in the ticket.

I have tried removing exclusion from the JobMtl table in the RDD. Since the table I am working in is set to FSCallHd, I can only get First or Sum for the DocUnitPrice field instead of one specific one.

Do you know any way to obtain the specific price?

Any and all help is certainly appreciated.

I haven’t looked at the specifics…
So just what I’d start with… trying to add JobMtl.DocUnitPrice to dataset FSCallHd
AND…it looked like this would need to be the SUM, since there can be multiple mtl’s per job?
If so, similar instructions as that thread I referenced earlier
EXCEPT… would also need the SUM statement to fit into the expression for FSCallHd dataset ( via properties → query → expression )

Since the expression editor is so primitive… I often times will use a BAQ to help get the statement started. If you can diagram the joins, fields to display I might be able to help.


There will only be one LABR price and that is what I need to reference. SUM will not work.

I tried adding the JobMtl table to the FScallHd dataset but then it started printing multiples of the rows instead of the correct number of rows.

I did a left outer join.

That is why I was thinking of a SUM…
because the JobMtl table can have many rows per each Job.


Maybe I am misunderstanding. I am trying to extract only one number from the field ‘DocUnitPrice’ for the row that contains a SCMiscCode of ‘LABR’. Each job will only have the one row that contains the code of ‘LABR’. I do not need any other data from this table. If I summed all the fields in the table for that job, it would give me an incorrect number.

Am I missing something?

OK… the thread started out with JobMtl.DocUnitPrice, so I was still thinking that.

I think I’m probably the one missing something.
Can you explain where the field SCMiscCode shows up, RDD and/or
in the SSRS report.
And where DocUnitPrice shows up in the RDD?


The boss wants me to add a row to the report that calculates the number of hours of labor. The only good way to do this is to get the JobMtl.DocUnitPrice from the row that contains JobMtl.SCMiscCode value of ‘LABR’. The matrix in the report is set to use the FSCallHd dataset which does not normally contain the JobMtl table in it. In order to get the one row that contains the value of ‘LABR’ in it, I tried to add the JobMtl table with a left outer join I think. Once I did that, the row started printing multiple times instead of once. If you want me to post the example dataset query here, I can. If I am leaving something specific out, please ask and I will answer it to the best of my abilities.

OK… I think this is making more sense now
I’m assuming you added the left outer join in SSRS expression for FSCallHd?
in addition to adding the JobMtl table, your expression will also need a filter by that code ‘LABR’?
BUT… if JobMtl can still return more than one row after all this THEN you’d still need to figure out some kind of a SUM in the statement (and/or Group By).

Keeping in mind I don’t have the same data as you, it’s hard for me to build an example up.
Also, I’m looking at editing the expression for FSCallHd (coped below for ref), there are other ways to skin the cat… maybe adding thru subreport?

FSCallHd - stock expression
="SELECT T1.CallComment,
T2.CallComment as FSCallDt_CallComment,
T2.CallLine,CAST( T2.CallQty as float ) as CallQty,
CAST( T3.AssemblySeq as nvarchar ) as AssemblySeq,
T3.CallLine as JobAsmbl_CallLine,
T3.CallNum as JobAsmbl_CallNum,
T3.JobNum as JobAsmbl_JobNum,
T3.PartNum as JobAsmbl_PartNum,
T4.MiscCode,CAST( T4.Calc_DocBillMiscAmt as float ) as Calc_DocBillMiscAmt,

FROM FSCallHd_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T1

FSCallDt_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T2

ON T1.Company = T2.Company
AND T1.CallNum = T2.CallNum

LEFT OUTER JOIN JobAsmbl_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T3

ON T2.Company = T3.Company
AND T2.CallNum = T3.CallNum
AND T2.CallLine = T3.CallLine

LEFT OUTER JOIN FSMisc_" + Parameters!TableGuid.Value + " T4

ON T3.CallLine = T4.CallLine
AND T3.CallNum = T4.CallNum
AND T3.Company = T4.Company
AND T3.AssemblySeq = T4.Calc_AsmSeq"


I was actually looking into subreport but am fuzzy on how they work.

I created a report and called it ServCall_Labor.

On the main report ServCall, I added a line in the matrix and added a blank subreport to it.

I am unsure what to add as the parameters to send to the subreport. I would like to pull all the lines for the JobMtl table first to make sure it works, then use visibility to hide the unnecessary lines.

Any ideas?

new subreport
I’ll see if I can come up an example tomorrow - or might be some existing threads here.
In the meantime…
I might try attacking via an existing subreport - “ServCall_Materials.RDL”
Since it’s the one that uses that JobMtl table.
If you can get DocUnitPrice added - then you may be able to built a calculated field(s) for display in the parent report.

Ref screen shot for ServCal_Materials.RDL

  • steps to add DocUnitPrice would be similar to those in the thread I referenced earlier


OK, I am lost.

My subreport I created for JobMtl table is pulling every row but the ones I need.

It seems to be filtering out the rows I wanted to pull in.

It pulls in the Parts but not the Labor, Freight, & Misc. Charges.

Anything you can think of will be most helpful.

I appreciate you taking this time to try and help me. I am learning more about it as I go.

Thank you @bordway!

Can you mock the desired view up in a BAQ - using the same tables from the RDD?
FSCalHd, FSCallDt, JobMtl, etc…

When I have something a little unusual like this, I find that a BAQ can be the easiest way to identify which tables, joins, groupings, calc fields I’ll need for the report. Once I know that, (I think) it gets easier to weave everything back into the SSRS report.

I had some time to look this afternoon but…
Since I don’t have access to a system with SC Tickets, I found myself guessing at table joins. (Which I still think is the first thing needed before doing too much with the report itself).
So no answer for you but…
Here is a zip with some of my notes & a few example BAQs & maybe something included in it will help. (753.1 KB)