New 10.2.600.7 Install - Issues Adding Task Agent

Hey EpiGurus,

I’m trying to install 10.2.600.7 on a new server for testing purposes (using an upgraded DB from the old server), and I’m having an issue adding the task agent. I’m getting an error saying “There can only be up to 3 task agent services registered…” when I try to add the first task agent to the new app server.


I’ve tried reinstalling the task agent (it’s version 3.2.600.0), and re-registering the app server.

Any ideas?

there is another post on here about this, but look in the Ice.Sysagent table and you’ll see some old ones. Go into the UI to the System Setup -> System Maintenance -> System Agent form and delete from there…

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Thanks Mike. I checked that table/module, and there was 1 sysagent row that carried over from the old DB. I deleted it, but I’m still getting that same error message when I try to add a new task agent unfortunately.

The logic in the server is looking to the [Ice].[ExtServiceRegistration] table to count the number of registered Task Agents. That is where it is finding too many.


@pferrington - you beat me to it!!! I forgot about that table too!!! :slight_smile:

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Good call, there are 3 records on that table for our old app servers. How might I fix it?

You should also figure out the services are staying registered when there are not the same number of SysAgents registered, or you’ll have this problem in the future as well.

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Thanks much for your time @MikeGross @pferrington , deleting the records from that table cleared the error in this testing environment. I’ve opened a case with support for a better/more permanent/Epicertified solution for our production environment down the line.


Hi Adam, did Epicor ever send you that permanent / Epicertified resolution?

I believe they told me to do the same thing described in this post :sweat_smile:

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