New Order Line / Transfer Open Releases

Is there a way to move open releases from 1 line on a sales order to another line with the same part number?

Example: SO 12345 has 1 line and that is for Part ABCDE. The pricing for that part is $1.00 with a quantity of 50,000. There are 10 releases for that line, 5 of which have shipped. Shipped quantity was 25,000 with a value of $25,000.

The price is changing from $1.00 to $2.00. We still have 5 releases to go (25,000 pieces), now priced at a total of $50,000.00. We need to create the new line in the SO for the same Part ABCDE with the new price, and add those 5 releases to it.

Does Epicor have a way to help with that? Something along the lines of: “Close this line, create a new one, move releases over”? Or is this going to be a 100% manual process?

Follow up: If Epicor has no built-in functionality for this, how do y’all handle it when there are large orders that are affected by a price change? UBAQ? DMT? Manual process?

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I’ve never heard of any out of the box solution here… I’d think you’d have to manually create the (5) new releases on a second line and then re-point any open job/demand links to the new releases and close the old.

You should be able to go to the Releases > List tab for the original line in Sales Order Entry, select the open releases, then right-click and “Copy All”. Then switch to the same tab in the new line, and right-click and Paste Insert.


I had NO idea that would work for something like this. I use that when I need to bulk paste things like Part Numbers into a filter tab on a report, but never thought of doing that for this.

I am going to need to look into that option. Thank you, @kve !

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You’re welcome! Its not something I’d recommend doing if this is an ongoing occurrence, but for something like a semi-rare price change, it can usually get the job done without having to create a BPM or something you’d have to test a bunch before deploying. Make sure you close/cancel the original releases!

HAH! Semi-rare…now that’s funny. They do price changes here at least once a month.



That about sums it up, for sure, heh.

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