Non-PO Workflow -Vendor Validation

I just wanted to share this with everyone because I’ve seen this become a big problem for a lot of companies.
The standard Non-PO workflow does not have a proper vendor validation in place prior to uploading to Kinetic\Epicor. I’ve seen companies pay the wrong suppliers because of this(especially with multi-company environments)
Here is the solution:

Create a datalink that verifies the vendor information in the content fields:

from Erp.Vendor as Vendor
where Company = @company and VendorNum = @vendorNum and Name = @name and VendorID = @vendorID

Add this in two places in your workflow:
1- In the beginning of the workflow where the standard vendor validation is located
2- At the end of the workflow prior to the create invoice step

This will ensure the vendor is verified when the invoice comes in the workflow and after your AP Processors make modifications.

I would typically also add in a verification on the GL Account. The Standard Datalink looks at combinations of account segment values and does not verify that the GL Account actually exists, is not a suspense account, and is active.
Here is the GL Validation Datalink:
FROM Erp.GLAcctDisp as GLAcctDisp
WHERE (GLAcctDisp.Company = @company and GLAcctDisp.GLAcctDisp = @GLAcctDisp and GLAcctDisp.IsGLAccount = 1 and GLAcctDisp.Active = 1 and GLAcctDisp.SegValue1 <> 9999)


This is really cool! Do you think with this Vendor Validation, DocStar could be used to read packing slips and create rows in Receipt Entry using a different workflow?