Nonconformance and nettability

We have an environment (described below) that I would like to see if anyone else has experienced and ask for some ideas from the user base here.

Our raw material costs are prohibitively expensive, some of our core items are in excess of $100,000 per piece. Regularly, we have items that go to our quality department due to a possible nonconforming feature.

When this happens, we make an evaluation about the ability to bring the part back into specification. Many times, we know this will happen, so we want to consider the job “nettable” against demand when viewed in Time Phase (and processed by MRP). Due to the cost of our materials, we do not want MRP to generate a suggestion to replace the material if we know that it can be returned to usable condition.

Today, we are handling that through job scheduling (We unschedule jobs that go to our quaity department for evaluation). One method that would work is to leave jobs scheduled that are expected to be usable, and unschedule jobs that are not expected to be usable.

I can instruct the quality team to process their transactions differently. But, I’m thinking there has to be a better, more Epicor-centric way to handle this type of activity. The goal is to define the items that are in Quality in such a way that the quality department can set the item to be either usable or not usable at the time they make their evaluation.

Does anyone out there have a similar situation? What steps do you use transactionally to control this?

Thanks in advance, great forum here.


What solution did you come to for this problem? We are running into a very similar issue, but unscheduling jobs would not work for us since our planning is forecast-driven and rely on MRP jobs.

Thank you!